Hey, I'm Linda ๐Ÿ‘‹

This page website is mainly used to create my pretty affiliate links. Want to know more about my online projects, then follow the links below! [ACTUAL LINKS TO THE PROJECTS COMING SOON-ISH]

In the mean time a few things about me:

๐Ÿตย I can drink tea all day.

๐Ÿ  I call the Netherlands home, but I’d rather travel someplace else (love to travel)

๐ŸŽข Theme Parks and roller coasters are my jam. (Disney and Universal are top of the list)

โœจ My highest values are time freedom and location freedom

๐Ÿ“ Simplification, systemisation and organisation are my super powers.

๐ŸŽฏ My current life goal is to have a self sufficient tiny house and a converted van for van living/traveling around the world.

Disclaimer: Page may contain affiliate links. I earn a commission or reward on all qualified actions or purchases made when you utilize these links.